Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP5





Change Logs

* Thu Jun 30 2022 Wojciech Kazubski <>
- Update to version 4.1.23
  * Remove C17 deprecated use of "std::iterator"
  * Correct errors caused by commit 9c035e809b, original commit
    failed to correctly send flmsg autosend character stream
  * modify debugging statements in xmlrpc notch
  * audio alerts / monitor
    + change sound card defaults
  * nanoIO ptt
    + bug fix
  * cw browser
    + partial reversion of commit dbe3622cc4d01f7
    + bug fixes for multi signal cw decoder
    + correct marquee scrolling to use all of available space
  * Signal browser
    + correct marquee end of line detection
  * cw via flrig
    + remove dead code
  * update build scripts for recent development OS update
  * FSK via flrig / nanoIO
    + add automatic insertion of '[' and ']' start/stop characters
  * INSTALL update
    + update dependency list
* Sat May 14 2022 Wojciech Kazubski <>
- Update to version 4.1.22
  * add missing call to set_mode_afc in Save/Restore AFC by mode
- Update to version 4.1.21
  * IPC log report: change logging date report to date ON vice date OFF
  xmlrpc methods
  * add new methods all data in ADIF 3.1.2 compliant format:
    + logbook.last_record
    + logbook.all_records
  * add new methods as ADIF 3.1.2 compliant strings:
    + modem.get_mode
    + modem.get_submode
  * add new date-time methods
    . log.get_time_on
    . log.get_date_on
    . log.get_time_off
    . log.get_date_off
  * date-time correctly synchronized and in ZULU time
  CW h/w weight
  * provide control to control keying weight for DTR/RTS keying.
  build m4 script
  * correction to m4 build script for libmbedtls test
  * Add fft monitoring of transmitted signal
  flrig poll
  * provide user configurable poll interval
  * update flrig cw/rtty code
  * update rigcat FSK code
  - separate all bit timing from main thread
  - adjust sleep method for OS-X performance
  - adjust sleep method for Windows OS
  * add missing FSK commport control initialization
  * update cwio DTR/RTS rigcat keying
  - replace bit timing with high resolution interval timer
  - deprecate timing compensation
  - test satisfactory on Linux, 5 to 100 WPM
  log macro
  * fix parsing bug when a trailing <HS, <LOCK etc is in macro text
  psk reporter
  * update to report generation logic
  FFT Monitor update
  * Add complex signal processing to FFT usage
  CW multi-channel
  * changed cw viewer multi-decoder filtering to use independent
    fir bandpass filter centered on 50 Hz intervals
    . out-of-band reject 60 dB between adjacent channels
  * add right click clears channel to cw viewer
  FSK keying
  * add ability to key xcvr in FSK using either
    . a DTR or RTS serial signal line (default RTS).
    . serial port can be shared with rigio or a separate port
  * SPACE always sent as LETTERS character
  * 100% functional on Linux including Pi3/4
  * 100% functional on on macOS 11.6, 10.13.6, and 10.7.5
  * 100% functional on Win-10
  * BUG - fixed excessive CPU usage while Tx without text (idle)
  * TIMING - tune timing loop for slow cpu's such as Pi3
  * update to accu_sleep
    . improved function performance
    . move accu_sleep to util.cxx
  * update to baudot generator
  * add flrig / FSK interface
  xmlrpc QSY
  * add enable/disable QSY xmlrpc command for server
  * bug - do not change mode if comments do not contain
    a valid ADIF mode name
  * set correct mode based on dxline contents
  * qsy to rf/sweetspot for identified mode Mode Parameters
  * save squelch settings by mode and reapply when
    mode selected: squelch value, squelch button
    . setting saved in file squelch_by_mode.prefs located
    in the fldigi main files folder. prefs files are
    user editable text format which are read during
    program start up.
  * save and reapply AFC state by mode
  * save and reapply TX level attenuator by mode
  * initialize all values to current states on first
    execution, or when file mode_state.prefs is deleted.
  Documentation update
  * add/update documentation for Domino-EX Micro, OFDM modes,
    Thor Micro, Thor 25/50/100, 8 psk modes
  Polish translation update
  * update to pl.po provided by Roman Baginski, SP4JEU
  synop event reporting
  * changed default event reporting to VERBOSE to reduce event
    log noise for users not operating SYNOP
  using namespace std
  + remove all use of "using namespace std"
  + add explicit "std::" predecessor for every standard lib reference
Version: 4.1.20-bp154.1.40
* Sun Aug 15 2021 Wojciech Kazubski <>
- Update to version 4.1.20
  Add OFDM modes for NBEMS
  - OFDM-500F for HF SSB
  - OFDM-750F for HF SSB
  - OFDM-2000F for HF-SSB/FM
  - OFDM-2000 for HF-SSB/FM
  - OFDM-3500 for FM 9600-port
  - OFDM-2000F CPU-load fix
  * Added Vestigial-carrier based AFC to OFDM modes
  - Increases robustness and tolerance to drift
  * OFDM 2000F hold
  * commented out OFDM 2000 and 2000F modes for bugfixes
  * OFDM 500F, 750F, and 3500 are complete
  Cosmetic changes
  * Fix cosmetic issues reported by Bob, VK2YQA
  * Fix parse of macro <PUSH>
  Gleam scheme
  * add fltk 'gleam' UI scheme
  xmlrpc id
  * add client ID to client requests
  * add client ID to server parsing
  cw tracking
  * adjust tracking filter constants to improve power detection
  Navtex modem
  * make single bit flip correction guess a little smarter
  Smeter Pwr_meter
  * correction to xmlrpc procedure to get smeter and power out
    meter from flrig
  My Callsign
  * modify edit code to maintain cursor position
  Contest fields
  * Change to Rx text field parsing
  * Change to cut number parsing
  gpio ptt
  * fix for pi3/4 gpio h/w UDRC-II operation
* Fri Jul 02 2021 Wojciech Kazubski <>
- Update to version 4.1.19
  * maintenance release
  Vestigial AFC fixes
  * Fix OFDM and 8PSK AFC jumping randomly to noise-signals
  C-Media PTT support
  * add support for C-Media ptt signal, used by DAR-30 etal
  LNW macro tag
  * add missing add to log call
  * add Notes as a retrieve field for last worked call lookup in
  lower case tx
  * defeat lower case TX when text source is from arq or xmlrpc
    socket interface.
  Qso Party Cabrillo
  * add state & country selections
  mxe scripts update
  * enable cwid for
    . T/R button reset to Rx
    . ^r in xmlrpc transmit text strings
    . ^r in macro text
    . ^r in transmit text
    NOTE: recommend disabling cwid for all ARQ type message
    transmissions; flarq / flmsg.
  Doxygen srcdoc fix
  * MBEDTLS breaks the cppcheck tool, bypass checking for now
  Dxcluster freq
  * change to accommodate either '.' or ',' as the integer
    fractional part of frequency in kHz.
  Documentation update
  * image and text associated with menu items
    . View/Rig/Log Controls
    . View/Waterfall
  Carat r/R
  * if modem is not IFKP, change to identical function for ^r and
    ^R transmit character sequence
  Compiler warnings
  * fix compiler warning on use of memset
    . rsid.cxx
    . ifkp.cxx
  flrig cwio
  * DTR/RTS CW keying using xmlrpc commands to flrig
  Set/Get Notch
  * Correct notch processing when used with flrig
  * RigCAT notch processing
    . Add wait 2 poll cycles between set and get notch
  FMT mod
  * limit estimation error to user defined value, reset tracking if
    error exceeds the set value
  * add +/- 5 and +/- 10 plot ranges
  Tx Monitor Level
  * Change control to dB scale to allow greater range of user control
  fh baud
  * modify fh parameter printout
  * Immediate cmd
    . ! character as first in command definition will cause the command
    to be send immediate upon selection of that command button
  WF-only mode menu
  * add missing modes
  PSK-modes fix false triggers of DCD-OFF
  * Certian character combinations were triggering DCD-OFF
  * DCD-OFF code now searches over 6-bit window
  * Prevents rare data-loss bug mid-transmission
  * add callback handlers to
    . btn_unk_enable
    . btn_ref_enable
    . btn_fmt_record
  * reset frequency whenever ref or unk button is pressed
  CW punctuation
  * Allow user to suppress decode/encode of specific punctuation
  * Allow user to select character to display noise decodes
    . default '*'
    . '_'
    . ' '
    . none
  * Correct <WX:xxx> weather macro text substitution
  * Add missing provinces / regions
  PulseAudio Server String
  * always enable PA server string control to allow user to
    clear or modify entry
  * fix hanging up on server fault message dialog
    . caused by message dialog on being re-entrant
  Waterfall buttons
  * Set all buttons to visibile for new installation
  Audio Codec
  * fix for Portaudio h/w codec missing during fldigi startup
    . missing h/w could cause segmentation fault on some systems
    . added try{}catch{} to trx audio path
    . display error message
    . reset audio device to NULL codec
* Thu Feb 04 2021 Wojciech Kazubski <>
- Update to version 4.1.18
  WF fft controls
  * Restore averaging, fft pre filter, latency controls
  Debug text
  * add millisecond timing to debug time stamp
  flarq build
  * fix broken build for ./configure --disable-fldigi --enable-debug
  Exit processing
  * Set PTT off if user elects to close fldigi with PTT enabled.
  - works for both Files/Exit and the dreaded windows decoration
    bar 'X' button.
  Scheduled Macro
  * Add PTT OFF during scheduled count down
  * Add clock display on status bar during scheduled count down
  * remove end-of-line '\n' white space between macro tags, i.e.
    <LOCAL><!SKED:12:00>how now brown cow<RX>
    ^!^!how now brown cow
    after parser substitutions
  * Add space ' ' to end of inserted file <FILE:...> if file does
    not contain either ' ' or '\n' as last character
  * flrig detection update
  flarq debug
  * fix to allow --enable-debug with flarq build
  Doc update
  * CW CAT keying, add IC705 to list of tested transceivers
* Wed Dec 09 2020 Wojciech Kazubski <>
- Update to version 4.1.17
  N3FJP support
  * remove sending OTHER8 category for all logs
  CW keying
  * added Elecraft KY cat command CW string keying
    . K3S tested
  * added Kenwood KY cat command CW string keying
    . TS-480 tested
  * added Icom cat command CW string keying
    . IC-7100, IC-705 tested
  * added Yaesu cat CW string keying
    . FT-991a tested
  * For use ONLY with
    . RigCAT transceiver control
    . flrig transceiver control
  - requires flrig 1.3.53 or greater
  Rx Monitor
  * fluid source cleanup
  * split UI source from confdialog.fl
  Contestia / Olivia
  * Added mode CONTESTIA 16/250 with RsID 275
  * Added macro code to allow any valid Contestia or
    Olivia BW/TONES combination to be set via macro tags:
    . where BW in set {125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000}
    TONES in set {2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 256}
  Greek translation
  * Update to Greek po file
* Wed Nov 18 2020 Wojciech Kazubski <>
- Update to version 4.1.16
  * Update distibution cty.dat data files
    dated 12 November 2020
  Greek translation
  * Update to Greek po files
  * fix MODE_THOR_FIRST entry.
  * fix MODE_DOMINOEX_FIRST entry.
  fmt fixes
  * track colors not correctly shown on tracking indicators
  * change sample rate to be keyed to cw decoder samplerate
  Canadian Provinces
  * update user configuration panel
  * nullptr is defined in _null.h
  * fix kml file clean up code
  * update to current gcc version
  Phase and FEC quality display
  * Add phase-accuracy display for PSK modes (non-PSK31)
  * Added better FEC confidence code to THOR
  Add new platform optimizations
  * added new --enable-optimizations options to ./configure
    RaspberryPi 1,2,3,4 [rpi1, rpi2, rpi3, rpi4]
    BeagleBone Black [bbb]
    Cyclone5 [cyclone5]
    Optimize for sse4 [sse4]
    Use AVX extensions [avx, avx2]
    i486, i686 [i486, i686]
    x86-64 [x86-64]
    ARM CPU-native [nativeARM]
  Updated Doxygen Sourcecode Docs
  * Now renders to SVG for graphics (doxygen 1.18)
  * Fixed scripts for Cppcheck 1.9 changes
  * Added auto-installer for packages on Debian-like systems
  * Improved main page: index.html
  * fix slow start caused by font fixed/proportional enumeration
  * fixed evaluator moved to separate thread during first
    instantiation of Font_Browser class.  Actual time to enumerate
    2650 fonts on an i5 3.2 GHz system is approximately 25
    seconds. Background process does not effect UI, but selection
    of fixed fonts in font browser dialog may not show all of the
    fixed fonts until the evaluator thread exits.
  PSK Reporter query
  * request fails to pskreporter, caused by hard coded request to NWS
    pskreporter site very slow in responding to connect request; caused UI to freeze.
  * change request process to separate thread
  Logbook compile warning
  * replace strncpy with "*comma_position ="
* Sun Nov 01 2020 Wojciech Kazubski <>
- Update to version 4.1.15
  Doxygen cleanup
  * Clean up warnings on Doxygen txt files
  documentation update
  * remove deprecated pages
  * reorganize Table Of Contents
  * insure no missing page references
  * add VU style input signal level monitor to main dialog
  - shares space on status bar
  * modify vumeter class to allow widget resize and partial
    display of 130 db Vu scale.
  * restore state of main dialog vumeter on startup
  * update documentation
  * Add <LOCAL>
  * use local time for all subsequent scheduling macros
  * add macro tag <BUFFERED>
  - transmit characters are saved to and retrieved from
    a hidden text buffer.
  - prevents user from moving Tx cursor into middle of
    macro which causes macro to pause
  - Tx panel text is used if <BUFFERED> not present in the
    macro text
  * fix Farnsworth WPM macro tag
  County Lists
  * added Alberta, Saskatchewan
    xmlrpc rig timeout
  DXCC lookup
  * Change all references to "United States" to USA
    status locale
    Level indicator
  * Fix font resize bug
  - caused intermittent seg fault
  - caused loss of raster
  hamlib NET
  * fixes for connecting to rigctld from fldigi
  * added "Default" button to hamlib configure panel
  * MORTTY V4 compatibility changes
  cluster dupcheck
  * add dupcheck to dxcluster CALL select
  ADIF Conformity
  * The ADIF-specification defines number-values as dot-separated.
  * Localization seperates by comma on non-english systems. This
    changes the behavior to dot separation in the FREQ-value.
    XmlRpc Exit
  * Fix and simplify the correlator
  - Make sure the correlator only ever jumps +delta or -delta to
    the early or late accumulator, and never the long way around.
  - The adjustment limiting code had a bug that never seemed to break
    anything; simplify that code by removing the special case.
  * fixed memory leaks, simplifiedexit code, improved C++17 compatibility
* Mon Jul 20 2020 Wojciech Kazubski <>
- Update to version 4.1.14
  * modify start up font enumeration
  - sort system fonts with qsort
  - enumerate fixed fonts
  - add fixed/all selector to font selector
  - use static class members []
    . instantiated and initialized on first instance
    . deleted when all instances deleted
  * change FreqControl width sizing to one based on widest
    numeral for selected font.
  * Fix missing initialization code for Windows OS
  * changes driven by hamlib 4.0
  Build scripts
  * remove -lregex from mingw cross compile scripts
  * add timeops.h to n3fjp_logger.cxx
  Freq Analysis
  * Add Rx RIT control
  - apply as linear correction to observed frequency
  * Disable rxppm corrections when frequency analysis modem
    is active
  Field Day Logger
  * Fix reconnect to server when changing bands/modes
  flarq update
  * Replace text widgets with fl_input2 and F_Edit widgets.  Adds
    UTF-8 character handling.
  * Add restoration of beacon after cessation of ARQ exchanges
  * Modify fldigi to correctly display UTF-8 characters during
    both transmit and reception of flarq text
  * Fix crash in navtex code
  * remove the NOSIGNAL state.
  * make early/prompt/late detector able to lock onto more signals
  Sound Record
  * Insure that audio recordings have .wav extension
  Freq Control
  * change to use unsigned long to represent the frequency value
    maximum value increased to 4294967295 (2^32-1)
  Cabrillo logs
  * correct Cabrillo report MODE entry
  sound.cxx warning
  * fix compile warning on indentation
  * change SNDFILE to a required library
  * invert video reversal on HELL 80
  * rename FSK_HELL -> FSKH245
  * set default filter bandwidth for each mode
  * Change Store/Recall menu items to mode_info[].name vice
  * Change bandwidth selections
  Rx Monitor
  * Add test for existence of filter in monitor playback
* Wed May 27 2020 Martin Hauke <>
- Update to version 4.1.13
  * add new documentation files
  cw prosign
  * fix loss of prosign AA
  - conflict with Northern European accented characters
  Analysis mode
  * Add Zulu time readout to status bar
  Debug Sources
  * remove bMOREINFO
  * add "Data Load" toggle to Debug sources
  * add "Synop" toggle to Debug sources
  * add "KML" toggle to Debug sources
  * remove deprecated command line parameters
  - --debug-pskmail, use debug source ARQ
  - --debug-audio, use debug source AUDIO
  * redesign Event Log dialog to make selection of level and
    sources more intuitive
  * Modify phasing algorithm to measure, analyze and act upon
    ratio of white and black intervals.
  * Change default center frequency to 1900. Allows detection
    of start tone @ 300 Hz, stop tone @ 450 Hz.
  * Simplify FM detector.  Use complex functions vice I/Q logic
  * Redesign user interface
  - always use internal Rx panel
  - always use external Tx dialog
  - move infrequently used controls to configuration dialog
  * Rewrite pic and image classes
  * Add user correlation control to config panel
  * Correct transmit methods
  - Start/Stop signals not in spec
  - Transmit duration computation resulted in very long
  * update documentation
  README update
  * update reference to winfldigi
  fedora 64 build
  * remove Fl::wake calls that require void* data
  * replace with REQ qrunner calls
  Code cleanup
  * remove extraneous debugging lines from code
  fsq sounder
  * restore sounder when starting FSQ from another modem
  Default event log level
  * restore INFO as default
  * change socket events to VERBOSE
  * imrove behavior servicing multiple instances of flmsg
* Thu Apr 23 2020 Martin Hauke <>
- Update to version 4.1.12
  TX auto RST-sent
  * add control-shift-s for inserting RST sent value in TX stream
  * restore missing Nordic characters on DTR-CW
  * enable PTT during CWIO processing
  * allow user to calibrate DTR-CW timing at nominal WPM
  - fractional computed values rounded to nearest integer
    i.e. round(0.5) => 1
  * update documentation
  * File selection caused cessation of audio processing while
    waiting for user selection.  Results in cessation of signal
    processing including keep alive signals to flamp and flmsg
    if linked.
  - move all UI interaction to main thread
  trx testing
  * replace compiler macros with in-line code to aid in
  AFTER macro
  * add AFTER tag to repeat macro after a delay of NN seconds
  CWID button
  * One more time to wrestle the wayward CWID button to the mat
  - fluid definition file "confdialog.fl" OK
  - needed to execute "make flgen" to create new
    confdialog.cxx/h files
* Fri Apr 03 2020 Martin Hauke <>
- Update to version 4.1.11
  * Bug fix release only - no functional changes
* Wed Apr 01 2020 Martin Hauke <>
- Update to version 4.1.10
  AWOL CW id button
  * Fixed "hidden" state of CW ID button
  * Restore execution code for <TUNE
  * Retain delayed execution code for <!TUNE
  * Create new macro <@TUNE
  * All three versions allow tune interval to be spec'd
    in fractional seconds, i.e. 2.5, 5.1 10.0 15
  * <TUNE:nn.nn> used alone returns to receive
  * <TUNE:nn.nn> followed by tex1t remains in transmit
    to complete the transmission.
  * Examples:
    + <TUNE:10.0>
    + <TUNE:5>
    <TX>tune test <!TUNE:1.5> de w1hkj k
  * Remove text size restriction on CPS test report.
  RigCat config
  * restore missing control labels
  CW 5 wpm
  * 5 wpm farnsworth speed demands larger OUTBUFSIZE
  - increase output buffer to 65536
  audio alert
  * fix seg fault
  - test for existence of audio_alert instance
  analysis mode
  * changes to data file output
  flrig auto off
  * add ability to shutdown flrig/xcvr during fldigi shutdown
  * correct interpretation of UDP frequency string
  * update transceiver frequency based on UDP frequency
  * modify 'version' to include patch level
  * Correct TTY interface code
  start/stop transitions
  * add code to soften the start/stop transitions for all modems
  * generate CW on selected DTR/RTS signal line
  * CW DTR/RTS signals generated concurrent with AF counterparts
    and within a separate thread.
  Olivia 2 tones
  * correct trailing edge cutoff of postamble tones
  Xmlrpc Xcvr
  * enable QSY when Xmlrpc client xcvr is connected
  * simplify mp3 conversions
  - test for file access using fopen
  - use linear sample rate converter
  contestia cr
  * correct suppression of <CR> display
  serial port
  * insure that DTR and RTS are always disabled when closing port
  Check Version
  * correct version check logic
* Sat Jan 18 2020 Martin Hauke <>
- Update to version 4.1.09
  * Alert/Rx-monitor playback
  * Dialog closure
  * PO updates
  * config-dialog-mod
  * cw mods
  * MilliSleep
  * New Install
  * Audio alerts disable
  * Winkeyer
  * lotw mangled report files
  * Analysis mode
  * ARRL CW bulletins
  * hamcall
  * RSID code assignments
  * tree metaphor
  * Log ADIF export
  * xmlrpc_rig
  * Rx monitor
  * Display Logbook Datum
  * RTTY bell
  * Combo Box behavior
  * cw prosigns
  * CW International Chars
  * Xmt Audio file
  * Alerts
  * Data file update
  * Wefax autosave
  * flrig freq/mode
  * Update check
* Mon Aug 26 2019 Martin Hauke <>
- Update to version 4.1.08
  - Greek translation files updated by Haris SV1GRB
  - xmlrpc <vector>
    . This reverts commit d681ab54b31100878e16bf2c8c2b9a96ceb2de23.
    . avoid sizing a zero length vector; use resize(size, n) for
    non empty return vector
  - Documentation
    . Add missing deadman timer documentation
  - Raster init values
    . Raster::resize() was being called with a negative
    width or height due to bad state being stored in the
    config.  This resulted in fldigi crashing before the
    UI was displayed.
    . submitted by Stephen Hurd <>
  - Image transmit docs
    . Correct manual for thor, mfsk, ifkp and fsk image transfer.
* Thu Aug 08 2019 Martin Hauke <>
- Udpate to version 4.1.07
  * wf mods
* Tue Jul 23 2019 Martin Hauke <>
- Udpate to version 4.1.06
  * nanoIO
  * FD server disconnect
  * Calendar
  * Warnings etal
* Wed Jul 03 2019 Martin Hauke <>
- Udpate to version 4.1.05
  * LoTW fllog
  * Modem macro
  * Close Logbook
  * eQSL
* Wed Jun 19 2019 Martin Hauke <>
- Update to version 4.1.04
  * add debug statements to track access to remote log server
    xmlrpc <vector>
  * fix for zero length byte vector instantiation on Fedora global
    build LoTW delivery
  * Change to testing for LoTW delivery status Apple kill button
  * force coordinated shutdown for command-Q, red-X decoration button,
    or File/Exit process main dialog title
  * force Windows to update window title when connecting to ACL
  * Add contestia submodes to contestia modem type - needed to
    enable rsid contestia submode detection
  * Add missing submodes to Olivia Warnings
  * correct warnings discovered by newer 64 bit compiler Log reports
  * correct output formatting of text and csv reports Documentation
  * update contest section 7qp multi
  * Parse multi state/county report strings n3fjp
  * restore named digital modes to MODE entry passed to loggers.
  * restore ALC compatible controls CALL, FREQ, BAND, MODE, NAME,
    TIME-ON, TIME-OFF wfonly controls
  * correct control positioning
  * allow visibility of Rev, Store, Lock controls Read log debugging
  * Added event logging statements to the read log file function.
  * Add wait for modem change to the execute method pMODEM(...)
    DE QSO Party
  * Add Delawre QSO party to configurable contests
* Sun Jun 16 2019 Wojciech Kazubski <>
- Update to version 4.1.03
  * correct wf update loop
  * Disable WinKey serial echo for emulators like K3NB Arduino sketch.
  * modify default CQ macro to include RsID on/off
  * Add code to correctly recognize OLIVIA submodes
- Update to version 4.1.02
  * change to allow concurrent timed dialogs
  * insure that multiple dialogs do not overlie each other on UI
  * remove multiple goto's on RsID detection notification dialog
  * correct resizeing of timed dialog
  * separate eQSL / LoTW alert dialogs instances - allows both to
    be visible concurrently
  * ignore multiple RsID notifications when notifier dialog is
  * display eQSL notifier when operating with external fllog
  * deprecate the xmlrpc rig control tab
  * add event log to waterfall only UI
  * add VERBOSE events to all xmlrpc calls
  * change waterfall redraw processing to timed updates,
    independent of trx thread timing
  * Language update: add pl.po changes
  * Documentation update
  * Add "N3FJP Amateur Contact Log" to title bar when
    connected to external logger
  * CQzone: add to xmlrpc add_record method
  * trx_xmit_wfall_draw: change thread test to TRX_THREAD
    vice MAIN_THREAD
  * Log rotation
  * Secure METAR
  * lgbook File: add code to populate the logbook dialog widget
    txtLogFile "File:"
  * remove C style memory functions from qzlib implementation
  * add limits testing on get_word method to prevent
    stack corruption
  * add MY_CALL, OP_CALL, MY_QTH and MY_LOCATOR fields to ADIF
    xmlrpc record
  * QTE-QRB: Make hover over Rx panel CALL text work with
    external fllog
  * Update globals entries for OLIVIA modes / submodes
  * add logbook backups
  * ARQ server: correct logic for testing loss of client
  * Update log dates when fldigi submits either eQSL or LoTW
  * XmlRpc Log Dup Check: Change for tri-state return from
    xmlrpc duplicate test
  * change flrig ptt keys modem default to false in configuration.h
  * DxCluster/N3FJP i/o: changed method calls to agree with socket
    class changes
  * corrected multiple "connection refused" dxcc connect attempts
  * only submit eQSL / LoTW if set in configuration
  * update submit date eQSL
  * modify build.m4 and src/ to suppress bogus
  - fvisibility-inlines-hidden warnings during cc compilation
    of mbedtls source.
  * changes to isolate notify_dialog from invoking thread
  * MODE export: allow log database to export non-fldigi modes
    such as FT8
  * add flarq_socket.cxx - insulate flarq build from fldigi includes
  * Add eQSL field to export data
  * Add timed eQSL delivery status message dialog
  * Add sub mode export if valid ADIF entry
  * tod clock start move to after debug init
  * ARQ socket i/o: Increase debug text size to accommodate large
    arq texts from flamp.
  * ARQ socket i/o: Insure that data streams are always bound to
    data blocks
  * ARQ socket i/o:   prevent receive socket buffer overruns
  * ARQ socket i/o: correct TOD clock
  * analysis mode: add signal amplitude to output csv file
* Tue Feb 19 2019 Martin Hauke <>
- Update to version 4.1.01
  * CW h/w ptt
  * nanoIO
  * NAVTEX abort
  * dup-check
  * ADIF submode
  * WF only bug fix
  * LotW
  * Pedantic warnings
  * SD counties
  * SV1GRB test report
* Tue Jan 29 2019
- Update to version 4.1.00
  * po update
  * WWV doc
  * Winkeyer FSK
  * Contests
  * arq-override
  * flmsg-dir
  * contest-docs
  * fldigi_def.xml
  * socket_mods
  * Fltk 1.4 mod
  * wefax
  * nanoIO
  * CW SOM table
  * flrig: macro
  * Audio adjust docs
  * feldhell
  * C-11 fixes
  * nano FSK
  * Mint-19/Mate
  * Signal Browser documentation
  * flrig seg fault
Version: 4.0.16-bp150.2.4
* Sun Feb 11 2018
- Update to version 4.0.16
  * wo seg fault
  * 8psk lockup problem
  * Miscellaneous menu
  * pskrep autostart
  * Grid Square Contest
  * Logbook Export
* Sat Jan 20 2018
- Update to version 4.0.15
  * ARQ server
  * Signal gain
* Tue Jan 16 2018
- Update to version 4.0.14
  * linux shutdown
  * remote logbook
  * ARQ exit seg fault
  * WEFAX auto center behavior
  * WEFAX phasing change button
  * RTTY configure initializers
  * File aging
  * Spectrum Display
  * Warnings in sound.cxx
* Sat Dec 30 2017
- Update to version 4.0.13
  * Language Translation
  * cw t/r - doc update
  * Spectrum Analyzer
  * TS990 tune feedback
  * OS X CW
  * FSQ/IFKP clear tx panel
  * deadman
  * Image transmit
  * flrig race
  * CW Sweepstakes
  * CW no tx char
  * timeops
- Run spec-cleaner
* Mon Dec 11 2017
- Small package cleanup
- Do not use scriplets on Factory where they are not needed anymore
- Run tests during build
* Mon Dec 11 2017
- BuildRequire pkgconfig(x11) not xorg-x11-devel
* Wed Nov 01 2017
- Update to version 4.0.12
  * Farnsworth timing
  * PSK sinc filter
  * ACL interface
  * Text capture
  * OSX start process
* Sun Oct 15 2017
- Update to version 4.0.11
  * Text Capture
  * FreeBSD mod
  * Documentation update
  * PSK filter
  * Audio Stream
  * printf cleanup
  * CW Multichannel
  * QSY multi
* Sun Oct 01 2017
- Update to version 4.0.10
  * WX HamQth bug fix
  * win7 mingw build fixes
  * wefax ui mods
  * wefax_map
  * auto start
- Update to version 4.0.9
  * doc update
  * clock_gettime
  * spectrum display
  * Test Signal Dialog
  * dxcluster fonts
  * smod
  * Spot buffer
  * Winkeyer clones
  * PSK s/n imd
  * RX Text capture
  * PSK viewer
* Sun Aug 06 2017
- Override build date, user, hostname to fix build-compare (boo#1047218)
* Sat Jul 22 2017
- Update to version 4.0.8
  * Fix OS X path name to executable when SPACE chars are in path name
  * Fix Flex serial interface problem
  * rigCAT metering
    Change to allow multiple scale points in both Smeter and Power
    meter OS X autostart Fix crash if autostart file name points
    to a non existent folder
  * RigCAT i/o
  - Fix missing mutex's on sendCommand
  - Modified SCU-17 stop bit fix; DCB.stopbits must be 0 on 2nd port
  * XMLRPC rx stream
  - Correct missing CW rx stream characters to xmlrpc rx.get_data call
  * RX text paste
  - Add code to disallow pasting text into the Rx text widget
  * FSQ triggers add mycall test for FSQ triggers FSQ image
  - fix fsq tone deafness after receiving image
* Sun Jul 09 2017
- Update to version 4.0.7:
  * Add SCU-17 select for separate serial port PTT.
    SCU-17 second COM port requires stop bits to be set
    to ZERO, or the Windows driver fails to give access
    to the DTR / RTS controls.
  * bindUDP
  * Issue with bindUDP using IPv6 calls
* Mon Jun 26 2017
- Update to version 4.0.6:
  * flmsg alert - added enabled test
  * Time Macros - Corrected <LT> format string
  * Require PortAudio - fail compilation if portaudio not detected
  * documentation update
* Wed Jun 21 2017
- Update to version 4.0.5:
  * Change to support IPv6 sockets
  * PTT selectable on N3FJP interface
  * Selection of full/half duplex audio interface
  * Macro and audio alerts enabled for FSQ modem
  * Audio alerts for pre and user defined events
  * Added warning dialog to Restore configuration button
  * CW user selectable squelch attack/decay
  * CW Extended UTF-8 Morse characters
- Remove patch:
  - fldigi-license.patch (fixed upstream)
* Tue Jun 13 2017
- Update to version 4.0.4:
  * cw scanner
    + adds multi signal scanner / browser
    + Sound Card
    + keep input and output sound card devices open for duration
    of fldigi execution
    + Corrected tune output device
    + Changed tune, wfid, video and cw-id to use tx offset
  * CW QSY
    + Correct QSY when transceiver in CW and CW-R type modes
  * CALL field size
    + Increased CALL, OP_CALL, STA_CALL from 15 to 30 chars
  * LOG area controls
    + Resize controls to add County entry control.  Allow user
    to select which extra qso field is displayed; country or
* Tue Jun 13 2017
- Add fldigi-license.patch to fix obvious typo in license
* Sun May 07 2017
- Strip redundant parts from description.
* Wed May 03 2017
- Update to version 4.0.3
  + OS X Wizard
  + cw decoder
  + CW wait
* Mon Apr 24 2017
- Split lang subpackage
- Add dekstop file scriplets
* Sun Apr 16 2017
- Fix Url
- Use pkgconfig-style for BuildRequires
- Specfile cleanup