AArch64 | |
ppc64le | |
s390x | |
x86-64 |
- update to 5.1.0 * bug fix on input mode and now input mode correctly follows global shared state option
- Update to 5.0.14 * Add all size of icon for anthy * replace uint with unsigned int * Fix custom kana/nicola table loading
- Update to 5.0.13 * Update translation
- Update to 5.0.12 * Update default conversion rule to accept using "ci" "kwa" etc just like mozc
- update version 5.0.10 * Add Down and some keypad to some actions by default
- update version 5.0.9 * Small fix in the paging logic. Now it's possible to always go to the next page regardless of current cursor position.
- update version 5.0.8 * Fix UI not update when click candidate
- update version 5.0.5 * Fix NICOLA problems - changes in version 5.0.4 * Implement sub mode label
- update version 5.0.3
- update version 5.0.2 * Make label in UI more meaningful
- update version 5.0.1
- update version 5.0.0
- initial package