AArch64 | |
ppc64le | |
s390x | |
x86-64 |
- Update to version 5.4: * Estimation: - The load_results_after_load_mh option would not find the location of the results file - The computation of prior/posterior statistics would crash if the value of the filter step_ahead option was greater than 1 without requesting a forecast or the smoother - NaN or complex parameters returned by steady state files were not correctly handled - analytical_derivation could be triggered with endogenous_prior but would not take the endogenous prior into account for the Jacobian and Hessian * OccBin: - Running the calib_smoother command with smoother_inversion_filter would crash unless likelihood_inversion_filter was also specified - Running the piecewise Kalman smoother would crash if an error was encountered during computation of the decision rules * PAC equation estimation through iterative OLS would crash if the auxiliary model contained a constant. * The variable label was incorrect for leads and lags of exogenous variables in the display of decision rules and in the model_info command. * Declaring a trend_var variable while not having a var(deflator=...) statement would cause the preprocessor to crash. * Macro processor: error messages following a @#define, @#include or @#includepath directive could in some cases point to a line number off by 1. * Perfect foresight simulations: the debug option would not preserve sparsity, causing out of memory errors. - Make doc packages noarch.
- Add dynare-add-missing-include.patch: Add missing includes, now exposed by gcc 13.
- Update to version 5.3: * Long list of changes, see https://www.dynare.org/new-dynare-release/dynare-5.3-released/ - Remove upstream patches: * dynare-5.1-gcc-12.patch * dynare-octave7-compat.patch
- Add dynare-5.1-gcc-12.patch: Fix build with gcc 12.
- Update to version 5.1: * Long list of changes, see <https://www.dynare.org/new-dynare-release/dynare-5.1-released/>. - Add dynare-octave7-compat.patch: git commits from upstream to support building against octave 7.1; patch touches build files, so add BuildRequires: libtool and run autoreconf before configure.
- Initial package. - Add dynare-no-return-in-non-void-function.patch: Return trivial value from a function that is not declared as returning void.