Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP4





Change Logs

* Tue Jun 01 2021 Christophe Giboudeaux <>
- Add GCC 11 compatibility fix:
  * 0001-Fix-build-with-GCC-11.patch
* Mon Mar 22 2021 Martin Hauke <>
- Update to version 2.4.6
  Fixed bugs:
  * REQUIRE does not compile when operator== in different
    namespace #443
  * Using templated operator== inside TEST_CASE changes deduced
    types of forwarding references #399
  Closed issues:
  * CMake doesn't link package #483
  * Get list of registered test-case names #479
  * Can't compile with glibc master (future 2.34): SIGSTKSZ is
    no longer a constant #473
  * INFO does not compile when used like a function call #469
* Sun Feb 28 2021 Martin Hauke <>
- Update to version 2.4.5
  Closed issues:
  * Use of std::atomic can slow down multithreaded tests #452
  * Stack buffer overflow in String constructor #460
  Merged pull requests:
  * Fix compilation on case-sensitive filesystems #463
  * Use function-like macros for prefixless macro names #462
  * Implement a multi lane atomic for assertion counts
- Update to version 2.4.4
  * combine the same tests for different build configurations from
    multiple shared objects without having symbol clashes #436
* Tue Dec 15 2020 Martin Hauke <>
- Update to version 2.4.2
  Closed issues:
  * DOCTEST_CHECK_THROWS_WITH_AS fails to work with dependant
    exception type #447
  * log contexts for failures in JUnit reporter #441
  * Test runner thread initialization #435
  * CHECK_EQ with enum values #276
  Merged pull requests:
  * Add MAIN_PROJECT check for test option #445
  * log contexts for failures in JUnit reporter #442
* Wed Nov 04 2020 Martin Hauke <>
- Update to version 2.4.1
  * Support for unit tests with Open MPI as a new extension header.
  * Added default printers for enums.
* Thu Sep 24 2020 Martin Hauke <>
- Enable arm builds. The package builds fine on aarch64 systems.
* Mon Aug 31 2020 Luigi Baldoni <>
- Initial package (v2.4.0)
Version: 0.11.4-bp150.1.3
* Thu Aug 03 2017
- Updated with latest spec-cleaner version 0.9.8-8-geadfbbf.
* Thu Jul 27 2017
- Update to version 0.11.4.
* Mon Jun 19 2017
- Update to version 0.11.3.
* Mon Apr 24 2017
- Update to version 0.11.2 with cabal2obs.
* Thu Jan 26 2017
- Update to version 0.11.1 with cabal2obs.
* Wed Jul 20 2016
- Update to version 0.11.0 revision 0 with cabal2obs.