Version: 0.3.0-bp150.2.4
* Mon Oct 23 2017
- Update to 0.3.0:
* .github added to .gitattributes
* bump version to 0.3.0 and tools version to 0.4.0
* Added *lt.desktop
* Added Lithuanian language
* liblxqt don't make sense here
* Copied issue template
* Fixed typo
* set Qt::AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps to true
* Added basic cli interface to compton-conf
* Added default CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE and proper version
* added *pl.desktop
* Included LXQtConfigVars in CMakeLists.txt
* Added subdirectory autostart (merged from lxqt-common)
* Updated *_da.desktop files and removed *_da_DK.desktop files
* Update Greek translation (el) Remove country variant from language code
* CMake: Adds Runtime and Devel install COMPONENTs
* Coding style changes
* Updates the build system to use the Targets infrastructure
* Drops hardcoded /etc/xdg paths
* Updated german translation, replaced Qt4 by Qt in all xsession/translations
* Portuguese update for .desktop files
* Updates translations infrastructure
* Update the required minimum cmake version
* Add compton to autostart (turned off by default).
* Support lxqt-session and add necessary xdg autostart desktop entry files.
* Bump year
* Added *da.desktop
- Remove post and postun
* Thu Mar 16 2017
- Fix typo: Source1 should be asc file instead of another copy of
the tarball.
* Wed Mar 15 2017
- Update to 0.2.1:
* Created compton-conf_it.desktop, removed unused lines (#36)
* Create compton-conf_fr.desktop
* Use the new lxqt-build-tools package
* Remove cpack (#34)
* Sat Sep 24 2016
- Update to 0.2.0:
* Bump release to 0.2.0 (#33)
* Set default opacity for active windows to 1
* Extend
* Delete compton-conf_ru_RU.desktop
* build: Use external translations
* ts-files removal
* bump years
* Work around grep 2.23 new behaviour
* compton-conf is LGPL only
* don't track $IDE settings
* Fix language tag
* Update translations
* Fix LICENSE file
* Fix mixed indents
* fixed Comment[ru_RU] -> Comment[hu]
* Correctly include the CMake modules in intree/superbuild mode
* Hungarian translation
* .desktop: icon change
* Make Qt5 default Change the option to USE_QT4, defaulting to No
* CMakeLists.txt: do not completely overwrite CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS
* Corrected language code (de_DE -> de) of german translation, marked translations as done.
* fix download URL
* Add Portuguese language to GUI
* Added german translation.
* i18n/i10n: Fixes mistakes in the documentation
* lxqt_translate_desktop: pass -h instead of --no-filename to grep which is compatible with Busybox
* Portuguese update fixed
* add Japanese translation
* lxqt_translate_desktop: Updates code to cope with the cmake-policy CMP0054
* Replace colon : with semicolon ; in
* Adds .gitignore
* Add Russian translation
* Handles localization of .desktop files
* Updates translations
* Adds translations support
* Updates path to
* Adds file-extension, screenshot & build instructios
* Add Qt5 support.
- Add keyring
- Delete compton-conf-0.1.0-fix_desktop_file.patch: use sed
- Delete compton-conf-qt5-support.patch: not needed anymore
* Sun Jan 25 2015
- Added conditionals to build for Fedora
* Sun Oct 26 2014
- ported to QT5
* Tue May 13 2014
- use pkgconfig buildrequires where possible
* Sun May 11 2014
- spec file clean up, removed unused buildrequires
- merged fedora spec file using buildservice cross distro support
* Sun May 11 2014
- Changed BuildRequires: pkgconfig entries for libqt4 to single
Buildrequires: libqt4-devel at request of X11:lxde maintainers
* Sat May 10 2014
- Ran spec-cleaner on spec-file.
* Sat May 10 2014
- Removed CentOS specfile. Base is too old to build, and I'm too lazy to fix it.
Del: compton-conf-CentOS_CentOS-6.spec
* Sat May 10 2014
- Added specfile for CentOS-6
Add: compton-conf-CentOS_CentOS-6.spec
* Fri May 09 2014
- Added specfile for Fedora_20
Add: compton-conf-Fedora_20.spec
* Fri May 09 2014
- Reintroduced desktop file patch
Add: 0001-fix_desktop_file.patch
* Fri May 09 2014
- Added specfile for Fedora_20
Add: compton-conf-Fedora_20.spec
* Fri May 09 2014
- Added specfile for Fedora_20
Add: compton-conf-Fedora_20.spec
* Thu Apr 17 2014
- Removed explicit Requires: for libconfig and libqt
Updated: 0001-fix_desktop_file.patch
* Fri Apr 04 2014
- Added patch to correct .desktop file
Add: 0001-fix_desktop_file.patch
* Fri Apr 04 2014
- Initial Source Upload
Add: _service
Add: compton-conf.spec
Add: compton-conf.changes
Version: 0.16.0-bp153.1.17
* Wed Nov 04 2020 Michael Vetter <>
- Update to 0.16.0:
* This is the last release, which includes some translation
updates. compton-conf will receive no more updates.
* Mon Apr 27 2020 Callum Farmer <>
- Changed compton-conf.keyring to tsujan's key
* Sun Apr 26 2020 Callum Farmer <>
- Update to version 0.15.0
* Updated the code and added some translations.
Version: 0.14.1-bp152.3.21
* Fri Mar 01 2019
- Update to 0.14.1:
* Only translations was changed
- Changelog from 0.14.0:
* Updated Translations
* Improved cmake scripting
* Moved translations from lxqt-l10n back to compton-conf
* Thu Jan 31 2019 Michael Vetter <>
- Remove compton-conf-0.4.0-no-icon.patch:
compton-conf desktop file uses compton icon.
Adding it as BR so that checks detect the file makes this patch
* Tue May 22 2018
- Update to 0.4.0:
* Add checkbox for option xinerama-shadow-crop
* Add categories for Xfce and Gnome
* cmake: Use LXQtCompilerSettings
* Add RadioButtons for setting the rendering backend
- Add compton-conf-0.4.0-no-icon.patch: remove icon beause of