Package Info


Chess database


ChessX is a chess database. With ChessX, you can browse, edit and analyze a collection of chess games.

  • Load and save PGN files
  • Work with multiple databases simultaneously
  • Browse games, including variations
  • Enter moves, variations, comments
  • Play games in training mode or play out games against an engine
  • Setup board, copy/paste FEN, merge games
  • Display opening tree for current position
  • Analyze using UCI and Winboard/Xboard Chess engines
  • Observe and play games on FICS

License: GPL-2.0-only



Package Version Update ID Released Package Hub Version Platforms Subpackages
1.5.6-bp153.1.2 info GA Release 2021-03-06 15 SP3
  • AArch64
  • ppc64le
  • s390x
  • x86-64
  • chessx
1.5.4-bp152.1.2 info GA Release 2020-05-18 15 SP2
  • AArch64
  • ppc64le
  • s390x
  • x86-64
  • chessx
1.4.6-bp151.3.1 info GA Release 2019-07-16 15 SP1
  • AArch64
  • ppc64le
  • s390x
  • chessx
1.4.6-bp151.2.17 info GA Release 2019-05-18 15 SP1
  • x86-64
  • chessx
1.4.6-bp150.2.9 info GA Release 2018-07-30 15
  • AArch64
  • chessx
1.4.6-bp150.2.13 info GA Release 2018-07-30 15
  • x86-64
  • chessx
1.4.6-bp150.2.10 info GA Release 2018-07-30 15
  • ppc64le
  • s390x
  • chessx