Package Info


Library and utility for processing cabal's plan.json file


This package provides a library (see "Cabal.Plan") for decoding 'plan.json' files as well as the simple tool 'cabal-plan' for extracting and pretty printing the information contained in the 'plan.json' file.

'plan.json' files are generated by cabal's Nix-style local builds and contain detailed information about the build/install plan computed by the cabal solver.

== 'cabal-plan' utility

The 'cabal-plan' executable (enabled via the 'exe' cabal flag) provides various operations:

[info] Show basic report of dependency tree [show] Dump 'PlanJson' data-structure via 'Show' instance [tred] Show dependency tree as a graph [diff] Diff two install plans [list-bins] List all binaries [list-bin] List single binary (useful for scripting, e.g. 'cabal list-bin exe:cabal-plan') [fingerprint] Print SHA256 sums of dependencies' source tarballs and cabal files [dot] Generate graph of dependencies in '.dot' format [topo] Print plan topologically sorted [license-report] Generate license report for a component (only available when built with 'license-report' flag enabled); see <src/example/ report example for cabal-plan> (<src/example/cabal-plan.html Pandoc rendered HTML>)

See also "New things in Haskell package QA" Blogpost for a description of the 'topo' and 'dot' operations as well as how to enable tab-completion.

License: GPL-2.0-or-later



Package Version Update ID Released Package Hub Version Platforms Subpackages info GA Release 2023-05-22 15 SP5
  • AArch64
  • ppc64le
  • s390x
  • x86-64
  • cabal-plan
  • ghc-cabal-plan
  • ghc-cabal-plan-devel info GA Release 2022-05-09 15 SP4
  • AArch64
  • ppc64le
  • x86-64
  • cabal-plan
  • ghc-cabal-plan
  • ghc-cabal-plan-devel