Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP4





Change Logs

* Sat Jan 29 2022 Ferdinand Thiessen <>
- Fix license tags (statically linked libraries)
* Sun Mar 21 2021 Martin Hauke <>
- Update to version 1.2.11
  * Bindings to take screenshots (default F5).
  * Option to control weapon bobbing (actual for Planet Strike
  * PC Speaker SFX.
  * Option snd_sfx_type to switch between AdLib and PC Speaker
  * Option snd_is_sfx_digitized to toggle SFX digitization.
  * Extracting unprocessed audio (*.data).
  * Extracting PC Speaker audio.
* Sun Feb 14 2021 Martin Hauke <>
- Update to version 1.2.10
  * Support for external textures (bmp, png).
  * Configuration for external textures (vid_external_textures).
  * OpenAL 3D audio driver.
  * Configuration for OpenAL driver (snd_driver, snd_oal_library,
  * Search path with provided data_dir.
  * Double fading on new game or load game when using hw renderer.
  * Fade whole screen when in widescreen and 3D view is showing.
  * Next map number for level transition.
  * Support for lowercase resource file names.
* Sat Nov 14 2020 Martin Hauke <>
- Update to version 1.2.9
  * Option vid_filler_color_index to select filler color.
  * Enable sfx and music by default for first startup.
  * Lives counter.
  * Input floor panel visual glitches.
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Martin Hauke <>
- Update to version 1.2.8
  * Disabled episodes 5 and 6 in static build.
* Tue Jul 07 2020 Martin Hauke <>
- Update to version 1.2.7
  * Extraction of compressed texts.
  * Same texture for door type BIO.
  * Player radius for item pickup.
  * Missing test for pushwall in CheckLine.
  * Fix sfx turning off when in-game sounds paused.
  * Show option "Game Options -> Video -> Stretch UI".
  * Replaced almost all fixed-point arithmetic with a
    floating-point one.
  * Relay on CMake's PCH support if available.
* Thu Jun 18 2020 Martin Hauke <>
- Update to version 1.2.6
  * Option snd_resampling_interpolation to specify interpolation
    method for resampling.
  * Option snd_resampling_lpf to toggle low-pass filter for
* Sat Jun 13 2020 Martin Hauke <>
- Update to version 1.2.5
  * [AOG][E4L1] Removed unnecessary in-place level fix.
- Update to version 1.2.4
  * [AOG] "Cursor" for elevetor panel.
  * Option --extract_vga_palette to extract VGA palette.
  * Pause game audio when in menu.
  * Increased maximum actor count.
  * Use floating point for audio mixing.
  * Rewrite low-pass filter for PCM upsampling.
  * Saved games are not compatible with previous version.
  * [AOG] Revised initial hitpoints for bosses.
  * [AOG][E4L1] Added missing barrier switch for 100% points.
  * [PS] Hide already pushed pushwall on auto-map.
  * Pickup items while attacking.
  * Sprite precache for Perscan Drone and Volatile Material
  * Both games should be now completable with 100% rating.
* Wed May 27 2020 Martin Hauke <>
- Update to version 1.2.3
  * Input bindings to cycle weapons.
  * Apply bonus queue after finishing the mission.
  * Write data into temporary file and then rename it.
  * Enable high score menu for debug build.
  * Saved games are not compatible with previous version.
  * [AOG] Animation timings for some actors to match origin.
  * [AOG] Bio-tech placed on special tile (E5L2; (18, 43)).
  * Sprite precache for crate items.
  * Sprite precache for morphed Dr. Goldfire.
  * Level state after death when extra live is available.
  * Add points for destroying projector generator.
  * Displaying pushwalls after loading from saved game.
  * Hit points table.
  * Player's attack tracing.
  * Zigzag movement when strafing along the wall.
  * Default values for some input bindings.
* Thu May 14 2020 Martin Hauke <>
- Update to version 1.2.2
  * Fix handling of file paths.
* Wed May 13 2020 Martin Hauke <>
- Update to version 1.2.1
  * Auto-detect game content of GOG and Steam.
  * Show message box with options if multiple game contents found.
* Sat May 09 2020 Martin Hauke <>
- Update to version 1.2.0
  * 3D-renderer (OpenGL backend).
  * Menu to control video mode.
  * Menu to control texturing.
  * [RHW] Texture upscale filter (xBRZ).
  * Option snd_is_disabled to ignore audio subsystem.
  * Option vid_is_positioned to control position of the window.
  * Option vid_is_widescreen to control widescreen mode.
  * Option vid_is_ui_stretched to control UI stretching.
  * Option vid_2d_texture_filter to control texturing filter for UI
  * Option vid_3d_texture_image_filter to control texturing
    image filter for the scene.
  * Option vid_3d_texture_mipmap_filter to control texturing
    mipmap filter for the scene.
  * Option vid_3d_texture_anisotropy to control anisotropy filter
    for the scene.
  * Option vid_texture_upscale_filter to select texturing upscale
  * Option vid_texture_upscale_xbrz_degree to control degree of
    xBRZ filter.
  * Option vid_aa_kind to select anti-aliasing mode.
  * Option vid_aa_degree to select anti-aliasing degree.
  * Option calculate_hashes to calculate hashes of resource files.
  * Option extract_walls to extract graphics resources (wall,
    flooring, etc.).
  * Option extract_sprites to extract graphics resources (actors,
    decorations, etc.).
  * Option extract_music to extract music resources.
  * Option extract_sfx to extract sfx resources.
  * Option extract_texts to extract text resources.
  * Option extract_all to extract all resources.
  * Generic instruction on how to compile on Linux-based system.
  * Option vid_scale.
  * Vanilla input bindings and related menu items.
  * Renamed option vid_windowed to vid_is_windowed.
  * Renamed option vid_window_x to vid_x.
  * Renamed option vid_window_y to vid_y.
  * Renamed option debug_dump_hashes to calculate_hashes.
  * Split option vid_mode into vid_width and vid_height.
  * Renamed option vid_no_vsync to vid_vsync.
  * Values of option vid_renderer.
  * Serializing barrier switches.
  * Disabled music caching.
  * Reduced volume factor of OPL sounds.
  * Saved games are not compatible with previous versions.
  * Audio normalization.
Version: 1.1.16-bp152.1.1
* Sat Feb 01 2020 Martin Hauke <>
- Update to version 1.1.16
  * Removed some checks on barriers
* Sat Jan 25 2020 Martin Hauke <>
- Update to version 1.1.15
  * Changed: Number secret floor
  * Fixed: Destination position for inter-floor teleporter
* Wed Nov 20 2019 Simon Lees <>
- %make_jobs is depricated replaced by %cmake_build
* Sat Nov 09 2019 Martin Hauke <>
- Update to version 1.1.14
  * Removed Alt and Ctrl to handle menu item.
  * Fixed Text typos
  * Fixed SDL with two digit sub-version number
  * Apply floor bonus correctly on percentage greater than 100%
- Remove patch:
  * Fix-SDL2W.patch (fixed by upstream)
* Mon Sep 30 2019 Christophe Giboudeaux <>
- Add Fix-SDL2W.patch to fix the SDL2 detection.
* Sun Jul 14 2019 Martin Hauke <>
- Update to version 1.1.13
  * [AOG] Allow to warp to level beyond the 10th one.
  * Critical error if switch connected to non-activable object.
* Sun Jun 23 2019 Martin Hauke <>
- Initial package, version 1.1.12