AArch64 | |
ppc64le | |
s390x | |
x86-64 |
- Add awesome-branding-without-calendar.patch: Disable the calendar widget for now (boo#1182240).
- Bump to version 4.0-v0.1: * awesome 4.0 compatibility. * Replace built-in keydoc with awful.hotkeys_popup. * Use a 22x22 openSUSE icon from hicolor-icon-theme-branding-openSUSE for opensusegeeko.png. * Use the openSUSE icon for the main menu. * Drop the network widget.
- Update to 3.5-v0.3: * awesome 3.5 compatibility (boo#953503). * Use Adwaita icon theme instead of GNOME icon theme. * Use light-locker instead of xscreensaver. - Remove awesome-branding-openSUSE-systemctl.patch.
- Add awesome-branding-openSUSE-systemctl.patch to use systemctl to shutdown and reboot
- Upgraded to 3.4.15-v0.1 * Use wallpaper-branding-openSUSE 1920x1080 image as default
- Upgraded to 3.4.13-v0.2 git version * Fixes bnc#798460 and bnc#798289 * Added some widgets to show how they can be used + keyboard + weather + ethernet network + battery * Documentation for branding * Provide option to use personal theme if available * Use local in prepartion for awesome 3.5 migration
- Initial packaging * added nitrogen and awesome-freedesktop awesome-vicious xscreensaver to the required packages. awesome-shifty is recommended * keydoc.lua and calendar2.lua are added as modules