* Tue Nov 29 2016 olaf@aepfle.de
- Expand macro kde4_runtime_requires only when its available
to fix quilt setup
* Mon Nov 17 2014 ecsos@opensuse.org
- update to 0.79
* This is only a bugfix release.
* Sat Feb 22 2014 ecsos@opensuse.org
- update to 0.78
* Fixed google cover search
* Embed cover in FLAC files
* Minor bugfixes, code modifications and typo fixes...
* Sat Feb 16 2013 asterios.dramis@gmail.com
- Update to 0.77b1:
* Removed store discid file feature as this is useless considering info file
* Integrated new playlist module (relative filenames in playlists and
playlist merging)
* Minor bugfixes, code modifications and typo fixes...
From 0.76b2:
* Some minor code fixes
* Cue sheet writer now follows the file format specs (not using OGG and FLAC
* Some minor bugfixes...
- Removed require_cmake_2.6.4.patch (not needed anymore).
- Removed install_translations.diff (fixed upstream).
* Mon Jan 21 2013 ctrippe@opensuse.org
- Update to 0.76b1
* Fix google cover fetcher (bnc#799499)
* Fix compile issues with GCC 4.7 (drop audex-gcc47.patch)
- Added patch to install translations
* Mon Apr 30 2012 idonmez@suse.com
- Fix compilation with gcc 4.7
* Tue Feb 15 2011 asterios.dramis@gmail.com
- Updated to 0.74b1
* New feature: Simple cue sheet support (but does not detect pregaps yet)
* New feature: Single file rip
* New feature: Adds MD5 to hashlist options
* Fixes some issues with cover browser
* Uses external image viewer to show cover
* Bugfix in Ogg Vorbis settings widget
* Ogg Vorbis setting widget now allows to set fractional quality values
* Bugfix in commandline for FAAC
* 2 digits track number option for filenames
* New parameters for file name scheme variables: left (see
kde.maniatek.com/audex for full documentation)
* New helptext for scheme wizard dialogs
* Pattern of playlists, hashlists and cover files now need a $suffix variable
* Some more small bugfixes...
- Spec file updates
* Changed License: to GPLv3+.
* Minor fixes.
* Fix Categories: entry of audex.desktop file.
* Sun Jan 09 2011 asterios.dramis@gmail.com
- Updated to 0.73b1
* New feature: Use eyeD3 for MP3 tagging if available
* Bugfix: Crash on cancel
* Fixes some compile issues with GCC 4.5
* Some cosmetic fixes
* English language fix: Uses the word "folder" instead of "directory"
* Uses KDiskFreeSpaceInfo for calculating free space on a device
* New feature: Uses mimetype icons for profiles and allows user to change these
* Settings in profile editing dialog now grouped with tabs
* Fixes a crash when adding a new profile via the UI
* New feature: New simple view of the ripping progress dialog
* Adds more detail to CDDB errors
* Some small bugfixes... (thx to all reporters!)
- Spec file updates
- Added a audex-lang package.
- Changes after spec-cleaner run.
- Updates in BuildRequires: and %install sections.
- Added python-eyeD3 to Recommends: entry.
- Removed the 02_useless_include.diff and audex-0.72b1-compilation_fixes.patch
patches (fixed upstream).
- Added a patch to make the package use cmake-2.6.4 (fixes build in openSUSE
* Thu Jul 15 2010 bitshuffler@opensuse.org
- Added 02_useless_include.diff
- Added audex-0.72b1-compilation_fixes.patch
* Wed Sep 30 2009 tittiatcoke@gmail.com
- Updated to 0.72b1
* Cover fetch from google.
* Minor bugfixes.
* Sun Aug 23 2009 tittiatcoke@gmail.com
- Updated to 0.71b5
+ Updated header information (all GPLv3+ now)
+ Slightly improved czech translation (Pavel Fric)
+ Slightly improved german translation (this is already not perfect!)
+ Minor bugfix.
* Tue Jun 23 2009 tittiatcoke@gmail.com
- Updated to 0.71b3
+ Added translations (Dutch & Portugees)
+ Bugfixes (slider, Update profile loaded from external file)
* Fri May 29 2009 bitshuffler@opensuse.org
- Updated to 0.71b2
* Fri May 08 2009 bitshuffler@opensuse.org
- Updated to 0.70b1
* Sun Mar 29 2009 bitshuffler@opensuse.org
- Updated to 0.62b
* Thu Oct 30 2008 buschmann@huessenbergnetz.de
- fixing file list (directories not owned by a package)
* Mon Apr 14 2008 cgoncalves@opensuse.org
- updated to version 0.6a:
* New XML-based scheme definitions.
* Assistant will help you creating profiles.
* Cover fetching from amazon works again (rewritten).
* Store SFV files for the music files.
* Store text files with predefined information.
* A lot of Bugfixes...
* Mon Mar 17 2008 cgoncalves@opensuse.org
- initial release (version 0.5a)