Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP5





Change Logs

* Wed Jun 22 2022 Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Add SHERPA-MC-ignore-distutils-deprecation-warning.patch:
  Disable deprecation warning when importing distutils from
  python3.10, so that autotools checks can still work.
* Fri Jan 17 2020 Tomáš Chvátal <>
- Make sure to provide/obsolete the python- subpkg to support
Version: 2.2.12-bp154.1.25
* Tue Dec 07 2021 Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Update to version 2.2.12:
  * Significant speed-up of (partially) unweighted event
    generation with on-the-fly variations enabled, e.g. for many
    PDF variations or implicitly when EWvirt associated
    contributions are evaluated !410
  * New option to perform (significantly faster) uncorrelated
    mc@nlo matching after unweighting, enabled by flag
    NLO_CSS_PSMODE: 2 !410
  * Further performance improvements !410
  * New MCFM interface (bd3e25ad, TODO: @shoeche to provide more
    info) !409
  * CSS improvements (efcffda4, TODO: @shoeche to provide more
    info) !410
  * New output options steered through BATCH_MODE !410 (see Manual
    for additional information):
  - 8 prints the current process name,
  - 16 prints the time elapsed/left in unformatted seconds
  * Runtime issues: Fix compatibility issue when using binary
    relocation after installation !453
  * Improve compatibility with autoconf 2.70 or later (in
    particular when building process libraries without scons) !396
  * Fix MadLoop 5 interface add-on installation
  * Fix Recola interface add-on compilation !410
* Mon Feb 15 2021 Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Update to version 2.2.11:
  * Improvements in ME+PS merging for unordered scale
    configurations !381
  * New NLO_SUBTRACTION_SCHEME option for improved behavior of the
    parton shower in processes with large higher-order
    contributions from t-channel gluon exchange !382
  * Additional power corrections to better match soft limit !394
  * Implement csin2_thetaW for SMEFTsim !319
  * Exponentiation version of EWvirt corrections !348
  * Phase space enhancing with function for unweighted event
    generation (Enhance_Function) !357 !379
  * Rivet interface improvements: zipped YODA files (!374) and
    split pos/neg weights (!376)
  * Runtime issues
  - Bugfix in Comix for models with vertices with negative
    coupling orders !327
  - Bugfixes for crashes with new SPECIAL_TAU_SPIN_CORRELATIONS
    option !335 !362
  - Bugfix for crash with spin correlations in ttll setups !388
  - Bugfixes for non-standard KFACTOR treatments !352
  * Compilation issues
  - Fix build problem with very new glibc !328
  - Updated swig requirement for python interface to 2.0.12 !342
  - Improvements in HepMC3 linking !380
  - MCFM interface fixes !389
- Drop SHERPA-MC-build-with-recent-glibc.patch: incorporated
- Add BuildRequires: libtool needed for building swig-based
  bindings for updated version.
* Wed Nov 25 2020 Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Add SHERPA-MC-build-with-recent-glibc.patch to fix builds
  against recent glibc; patch taken from upstream git.
* Wed Jun 03 2020 Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Drop post(un) install-info scripts for devel pkg, these are
  handled by rpm file triggers; also drop the appropriate
* Sat May 16 2020 Atri Bhattacharya <>
- Update to version 2.2.10:
  * Further improvements for Rivet3 and HepMC3 compatibility
    [!321, !314].
  * Bugfix for crashes with new heavy-flavour shower evolution
    schemes [!313].
  * Bugfix for crash in ReweightWithoutSubevents [!318].
  * Bugfix for documentation signal blob with pre-NLO+PS
    kinematics [!320].
  * Bugfix for crash in setups with neutron beams [!312].
  * More robust discovery of HZTool and HepMC3 ROOT IO libraries
    [!317, !322, !323].
- Changes from version 2.2.9: See
- Build with Rivet support (BuildRequires: Rivet-devel).
- Fix some incorrect Provides and Obsoletes in subpackages.
- Execute hashbang cleanup on source files instead of acting on
  installed files in %{buildroot}.
- Run spec-cleaner for minor formatting cleanups.