Package Release Info


Update Info: Base Release
Available in Package Hub : 15 SP5





Change Logs

* Thu Dec 15 2022 Jan Engelhardt <>
- Update to release 3.0.0
  * fixed compatibility bugs in detectgraph(), gettextsettings(),
    getfillsettings(), drawpoly(), fillpoly(), setcolor(), lastkey(),
  * changed definition of `struct palettetype` (compatibility)
  * added colorname(), kdelay()
* Wed Jun 01 2022 Jan Engelhardt <>
- Update to release 2.6.0
  * added getclick(), doubleclick(), extended mouseclick()
* Wed May 04 2022 Marcus Meissner <>
- updated source url to https
* Sun Feb 13 2022 Jan Engelhardt <>
- Update to release 2.5.0
  * Modified functions putpixel(), setbkcolor(), setcolor(),
    setfillpattern(), setfillstyle(), setpalette(), and
    setalpha() to handle colours given as out of range numbers.
  * Simplified floodfill() function (implemented recursive version)
  * Improved setpalette() to change currently drawn pixels.
  * Added getrgbpalette(), setallrgbpalette(), and RGBPALETTE().
  * Implemented getwindowwidth() and getwindowheight() as macros
    for WinBGIm compatibility.
Version: 2.4.4-bp154.1.28
* Tue May 04 2021 Jan Engelhardt <>
- Update to release 2.4.4
  * Fixed bug that affected floodfill() with fill patterns in
    rare cases
Version: 2.4.3-bp153.1.1
* Thu Mar 04 2021 Jan Engelhardt <>
- Update to release 2.4.3
  * modified getscreensize() behaviour
  * added setwintitle()
* Wed Nov 11 2020 Jan Engelhardt <>
- Update to release 2.4.2
  * Implemented native vector fonts, compatible with Borland .CHR
  * Implemented long-forgotten graphics error checks.
  * Added resetwinoptions(), getscreensize(), edelay(),
    getmaxheight(), getmaxwidth(), resizepalette(), added
    undocumented clearviewport() in setbkcolor().
  * Changed setwinoptions() to reset options for newly created
  * Fixed graphresult() to provide actual error codes
  * Fixed compatibility in getpalette(), getpalettesize(),
    setallpalette(), setusercharsize().
  * Fixed setrgbpalette() to avoid out of range errors.
  * Improved fill patterns.
* Tue Aug 11 2020 Jan Engelhardt <>
- Update to release 2.4.1
  * Implemented a 16-color palette that uses the same RGB values
    as Turbo C. This palette is used if the environment variable
    SDL_BGI_PALETTE is set to "BGI".
  * Extended the setpalette() function to modify the default 16
    colors too.
  * Added initpalette() to restore the original 16 colors.
  * Added more Hershey fonts: Cursive, Futural, Rowmant, and
  * Fine tuning of Hershey font metrics; now they equal the
    metrics of corresponding .CHR fonts.
  * Preliminary .CHR font loading support.
* Thu Feb 20 2020 Jan Engelhardt <>
- Update to release 2.4.0
  * Hershey font support as a replacement for the original
    Borland .chr fonts.
  * If the SDL_BGI_RES environment variable is set to "VGA",
    initgraph (DETECT, ...) forces VGA (640x480) resolution.
  * Added getlinebuffer() and putlinebuffer()
  * Changed 8x8 bitmap font using the one from the DosBox emulator.
- Drop sdlbgi-automake.diff, add sdlbgi-cmake.diff.
* Wed Jan 22 2020 Jan Engelhardt <>
- Update to release 2.3.1
  * Added getbuffer(), putbuffer(), COLOR32(), and colorRGB
    (macro) for faster pixel manipulation; added showinfobox(),
    getleftclick(), getmiddleclick(), and getrightclick();
    documentation updates and improvements.
* Tue Aug 20 2019 Jan Engelhardt <>
- Update to new upstream release 2.3.0
  * Added "auto mode": initgraph() performs automatic screen
    refresh when the environment variable SDL_BGI_RATE is set to
    "auto" or to the desired refresh rate (e.g. 60). This can be
    used as an alternative to "slow mode", and it provides a huge
    performance boost. The new function sdlbgiauto() is also
    available. BEWARE: automatic refresh may not work on some
    NVIDIA graphics cards.
  * Added compatibility with C++ programs
  * Added a showerrorbox() function
* Mon Nov 19 2018 Jan Engelhardt <>
- Update to new upstream release 2.2.4
  * Added some graphics modes for better compatibility with
    old programs
* Wed Sep 19 2018 Jan Engelhardt <>
- Update to new upstream release 2.2.3
  * fixed unspecified bug in setalpha()
* Tue Sep 11 2018 Jan Engelhardt <>
- Update to new upstream release 2.2.2
  * The constants TMP_FG_COL, TMP_BG_COL, and TMP_FILL_COL
    were added.
* Wed Aug 15 2018
- Update to new upstream release 2.2.1
  * renamed getch() to bgi_getch() and added the macro getch()
    to avoid Mingw bug
  * delay() rewritten to take care of key presses
  * added ALPHA_VALUE()
* Thu Jul 26 2018
- Update to new upstream release 2.2.0
  * Added setwinoptions() for window title, position, and SDL
  * Added support for multiple windows: extended initwindow(),
    added getcurrentwindow(), setcurrentwindow(), closewindow().
  * SDL_QUIT support in getch(), getevent(), kbhit(), xkbhit().
* Sun Jun 10 2018
- Update to new upstream release 2.1.2
  * Support for some Windows IDEs
Version: 2.1.0-bp150.2.4
* Fri Jan 05 2018
- Update to new upstream release 2.1.0
  * fixed a bug in getch()
  * added mouse wheel up/down events
* Tue Nov 15 2016
- Update to new upstream release 2.0.8
  * fixed unspecified bug in palette-manipulating functions
* Fri Nov 11 2016
- Update to new upstream release 2.0.7
  * fixed unspecified bug in event()
  * added the eventtype() funntion
* Fri Mar 04 2016
- Update to new upstream release 2.0.6
  * fixed bug in writeimagefile()
  * implemented clipping in readimagefile()
  * turtle graphics improvements
* Wed Dec 23 2015
- Update to new upstream release 2.0.5
  * fillpoly() correctly implemented
  * rewritten to use SDL_Surfaces only instead of
  bitmaps in main RAM
  * ellipse() and fillellipse() improved
  * xkbhit() added
* Mon Oct 12 2015
- Update to new upstream release 2.0.3
  * in "slow mode", screen refresh is also
  triggered by kbhit() and getch()
  * minimal dos.h and conio.h provided
  * kbhit() rewritten to avoid buffered keys
* Wed Jun 03 2015
- Update to new upstream release 2.0.2
  * fill patterns (not for floodfill())
  * setfillpattern() / getfillpattern () implemented
  * writeimagefile() added
  * documentation updates
* Tue May 12 2015
- Update to new upstream release 2.0.1
  * Support line patterns
  * Improvements to flood fills
* Thu May 07 2015
- Update to new upstream release 2.0.0
  * This uses SDL2 as backend
* Thu Dec 18 2014
- Initial package for (version 1.0.1).
  Add sdlbgi-automake.diff for a normal build that supports DESTDIR
  and uses pkgconfig.