Package Release Info


Update Info: openSUSE-2019-655
Available in Package Hub : 12 GA-SP5





Change Logs

* Wed Nov 28 2018
- Update to 13.0.8
  - Ignore "session_lifetime" if it can not be converted to a
    number (server#11762)
  - Change password expiration time from 12h to 7d (server#11857)
  - Do not emit preHooks twice on non-part-storage (server#11962)
  - Filter null values for UserManager::getByEmail (server#11978)
  - Allow local delivery of schedule message while prohibiting
    FreeBusy requests (server#11982)
  - Load apps/APP/l10n/*.js and themes/THEME/apps/APP/l10n/*.js
  - Fix opening a section again in the Files app (server#11996)
  - Lazy open first source stream in assemblystream (server#11997)
  - Remove cookies from Clear-Site-Data Header (server#12006)
  - Actually return the root folder when traversing up the tree
  - Double check for failed cache with a shared storage
  - Implement the size of an assembly stream (server#12112)
  - Remove unneeded empty search attribute values, fixes #12086
  - LDAP: announce display name changes so that addressbook picks
    it up (server#12142)
  - Reset bruteforce on token refresh OAuth (server#12208)
  - Expired tokens should not trigger bruteforce protection
  - A folder should get a folder mimetype (server#12298)
  - Properly search the root of a shared external storage
  - Unique contraint and deadlock fixes for filecache and
    file_locks (server#12434)
  - Fixes dav share issue with owner (server#12460)
  - Forward object not found error in swift as dav 404
  - Bearer tokens are app token (server#12546)
  - Handle permission in update of share better (server#12562)
  - Correctly restrict affected users when using command to send
    emails (activity#313)
- Changes from 13.0.7
  - Prefer using dir instead of allinfo for getting smb file info
  - [LDAP] The WebUI Wizard also should not assign empty config IDs
  - Fix mimetype detection for junked uploads (server#10829)
  - Improve performance when dealing with large numbers of shares
  - Cast timestamps older than unix epoch to 0 (server#10902)
  - Use the same ignored properties list for both
    CustomerPropertiesBackends (server#10911)
  - Do not hide the progress bar while the chunked upload is being
    assembled (server#11400)
  - Fix "checkWellKnownUrl" not being run (server#11419)
  - AssemblyStream is also eof if we have no more source stream
  - Show auth type "None" in email settings (server#11494)
  - Fixes the move/copy picker buttons (server#11524)
  - Allow the creationg of previews of files stored in appdata
  - Update CRL due to changed cert for linkshareex (server#11707)
  - Fix a misleading setup check for .well-known/caldav & carddav
- Changes from 13.0.6
  - Add sabre plugin to allow anonymous options requests to the
    dav root (server#10285)
  - Do scan the root storage in background scan (server#10376)
  - Adding test for table schedulingobjects and fixing postgres LOB
  - Fix transfering ownership of a share to user with same id as
    receiver (server#10565)
  - Make file cache updates more robust (server#10581)
  - Retry smb stat on timeout (server#10591)
  - Use insertIfNotExists to store new mimetypes. (server#10620)
  - Only warn about data lose on password reset if per-user keys
    are used (server#10646)
  - Update the scope of the lockdownmanager (server#10682)
  - Log entries that are hidden during file listing (server#10698)
  - Forgotten pass fix link (server#10735)
  - Fix comment style in config sample (server#10759)
  - Make sure error_log() always receives a string (server#10760)
  - Fix call to OC.generateUrl for caldav birthday calendar on/off
  - Use the path_hash instead of the path to query the filecache
  - Don't blame random people for background email updates
  - Resolve all group memberships properly (server#10783)
  - Remove unexecutable code (server#10816)
  - Improve URL detection (server#10821)
  - MySQL 8.0+ and MariaDB 10.3+ are large prefix and barracuda by
    default (server#10823)
  - Disallow negative mtime in dav search (server#10837)
- This also fix security issues:
  - (boo#1114817, CVE-2018-3780)
Version: 13.0.5-5.1
* Tue Jul 24 2018
- update to 13.0.5
  - Fix highlighting of the upload drop zone (server#9837)
  - Apply ldapUserFilter on members of group (server#9839)
  - Make the DELETION of groups match greedy on the groupID
  - Add parent index to share table (server#9843)
  - Log full exception in cron instead of only the message
  - Properly lock the target file on dav upload when not using part
    files (server#9986)
  - LDAP backup server should not be queried when auth fails
  - Fix filenames in sharing integration tests (server#10044)
  - Lower log level for quota manipulation cases (server#10076)
  - Let user set avatar in nextcloud if LDAP provides invalid
    image data (server#10089)
  - Improved logging of smb connection errors (server#10093)
  - Allow admin to disable fetching of avatars as well as
    a specific attribute (server#10115)
  - Allow to disable encryption (server#10121)
  - Update message shown when unsharing a file (server#10164)
  - Fixed English grammatical error on Settings page.
  - Request a valid property for DAV opendir (server#10169)
  - Allow updating the token on session regeneration
  - Prevent lock values from going negative with memcache backend
  - Correctly handle users with numeric user ids (server#10185)
  - Correctly parse the subject parameters for link (un)shares of
    calendars (server#10188)
  - Fix "parsing" of email-addresses in comments and chat messages
  - Sanitize parameters in createSessionToken() while logging
  - Also retry rename operation on InvalidArgumentException
  - Improve url detection in comments (server#10202)
  - Only bind to ldap if configuration for the first server is set
  - Use download manager from PDF.js to download the file
  - Fix trying to load removed scripts (files_pdfviewer#87)
  - Only pull for new messages if the session is allowed to be kept
    alive (notifications#138)
  - Always push object data (notifications#139)
  - Add prioritization for Talk (notifications#140)
Version: 13.0.4-2.1
* Mon Jun 11 2018
- update to 13.0.4
  - Allow setting notify credentials in environment (server#9788)
  - Make the token expiration also work for autocasting 0
  - Enable caldav for webdav subtree public-calendars (server#9820)
- This also fix security issues:
  - (boo#1100343, CVE-2018-3762) and (boo#1100344, CVE-2018-3761)
* Thu Jun 07 2018
- update to 13.0.3
  - Backport various scss fixes #8777 (server#9259)
  - Fix ellipsis in filename column (server#9344)
  - Replace deprecated sinon reset() call with resetHistory()
  - Issue #9318: catch exceptions in SCSSCacher::resetCache()
  - Log lock state on conflict (server#9389)
  - Remove unneeded locks in getCacheEntry (server#9391)
  - Only allow a single concurrent dav write to a file
  - Workflow rules error when changing operation (server#9409)
  - Fix jsunit tests (server#9430)
  - Allow IPv6 database host (server#9432)
  - Add labels for Contacts menu and Settings (server#9433)
  - Get correct version of an app (server#9436)
  - Fix ids of permission checkboxes for shares (server#9453)
  - Fix race condition when preparing upload folder (server#9454)
  - Allow to specify a link to a legal notice (server#9516)
  - Fix for unbound cloned LDAP connections (server#9522)
  - Dont use $info as array when its not an array (server#9525)
  - Improve OAuth (server#9540)
  - Bump theming version for extraordinary release (server#9547)
  - Fix translation bug on lost password page (server#9548)
  - Cleanup locks in scanner on error (server#9566)
  - Bump version for theming again ? (server#9573)
  - Make sure force language is reflected in html lang attribute
  - Add privacy link to theming and fix scrollbars (server#9586)
  - Fix settings menu (server#9590)
  - Handle exception while itterating trough smb file listing
  - Send invitations for shared calendars (server#9610)
  - Regenerate session id after public share auth (server#9619)
  - Emit event when running ./occ db:add-missing-indices
  - Add PHP missing message to index.php (server#9621)
  - Delete the previews when a version is restored (server#9622)
  - Limit Sinon version to 5.0.7 at most (server#9629)
  - Prepare another theming release including translations for
    recently added imprint and privacy policy strings
  - Dont open the file on dav HEAD request (server#9649)
  - Fix(AmazonS3): fix loop $result['Contents'] error
  - Fix undefined variables (server#9651)
  - Add search category icon (server#9652)
  - Fix "Invalid argument supplied for foreach()" (server#9654)
  - Do not load calendar/addressbook plugins if not needed
  - Make LargeFileHelper.php faster by avoiding execs as much as
    possible (server#9656)
  - Improve error reporting and move format parameter to the
    options (server#9657)
  - The OAuth endpoint needs to support Basic Auth (server#9659)
  - LDAP password renewal fixes (server#9661)
  - Check user state when fetching to avoid dealing with offline
    objects (server#9662)
  - Make sure the file is readable before attempting to create
    a preview (server#9668)
  - Fix drone mysqlmb4 tests (server#9672)
  - Make sure the log doesn't try to read from PUT if it can't
  - Allow admins to override FreeBusy capabilities without
    modifying ShareAPI capabilities (server#9707)
  - Fix the unit tests (server#9712)
  - Fix header nav (server#9727)
  - Fix local users check in contacts menu (server#9732)
  - Don't open the file when handling HEAD requests (3rdparty#99)
  - Do not sanitize markdown output twice (files_texteditor#101)
* Thu Apr 26 2018
- update to 13.0.2
  - Show group display names (server#8779)
  - Group existence check works without attribute (like with users)
  - The FN is optional, carrying the displayname if present
  - Set "share with" field to the ID of the circle (server#8905)
  - Show EOL warning in the update section (server#8986)
  - Use app version to generate scss filename (server#9015)
  - Update icewind/smb to 2.0.5 (server#9017)
  - Fix search text overlapping close button (server#9019)
  - Clear any theming prefixed cache on cache buster increase
  - Reset encryptionVersion to '1' if a file was stream copied
  - Do not treat is-encrypted as custom property (server#9071)
  - Fix proper permissions for multiple file access (server#9072)
  - When formatting a share node an Empty target is invalid
  - Move on with the next user if we found the user on one user
    back-end (server#9077)
  - Allow usage of Windows 10 WebDav Netdrive (server#9089)
  - Add more logging for the object storage during creation of the
    buckets (server#9094)
  - Do not convert email addresses with idn_to_ascii if?
  - Fix progress bar hidden before the upload ends (server#9124)
  - Update CRL to include old quicknotes cert (server#9213)
  - Fix user selectable text for public links for text files
  - Provide an option to disable HTML emails (server#9231)
  - Fix appinfo parsing when a single localized option is provided
  - Use multibyte substring (server#9234)
  - Fix webdav support for OneNote clients (server#9236)
  - Fixed files copy/move when in favorites or recent section
  - Don't update personal settings for admins (activity#262)
  - Skip parameters which are not there instead of failing out
  - Bump version 13 (files_pdfviewer#64)
  - Fix info.xml (files_pdfviewer#66)
  - No default enable (files_pdfviewer#67)
  - Fix position of icons in "Share with" input field (gallery#418)
  - Fix "No results found" tooltip (gallery#419)
  - Fix UI while a share is being added (gallery#420)
  - Hide "No results found" tooltip on autocompletion (gallery#424)
  - Fix error while clicking on the share link checkbox
* Thu Mar 15 2018
- update to 13.0.1
  - Dont polute the log on DAV emaillogin (server#8045)
  - Don't perform CSRF check on OCS routes with Bearer auth
  - Use S3Client::upload instead of splitting single/multipart
    upload ourselves (server#8102)
  - Remove old perl script to update l10n files (server#8145)
  - Scss hardening (server#8156)
  - Do not try to get the jailed path if we can't find the id
  - Handle SSL certificate verifications for others than
    Let's Encrypt (server#8183)
  - Use a phan version instead of master (server#8195)
  - Repair step to clear frontend related caches (server#8197)
  - Keep previous exception when transforming to dav exception
  - Actually return stream from swift (server#8250)
  - Remove invalid link to documentation (server#8253)
  - Fix deleting folders when using s3 external storage
  - Link to NC13 dev manual (server#8264)
  - Better result handling of email search (server#8267)
  - Update CRL to revoke files_rightclick (server#8271)
  - Fix styling issues of guest pages #8155 (server#8286)
  - Remove jquery ui background image (server#8287)
  - Show open graph preview in WhatsApp (server#8309)
  - Make acceptance tests for comments more consistent with the
    others (server#8395)
  - Fix edit tag textbox size (server#8407)
  - Use TTF fonts for avatar generation (server#8440)
  - Use mb_* string methods to extract first character for
    generated avatars (server#8470)
  - Show hint in OCS API for user creation (server#8515)
  - Fix hiding and event propagation issues with the user
    management popover (server#8517)
  - Add some whitespace around change.svg icon (server#8518)
  - Avoid fruitless login attempts (server#8532)
  - Fix retrieval of group members with numerical uids from LDAP
  - Theming: handle not being in the serverroot (server#8554)
  - Ext storage error warning (server#8561)
  - Set autocomplete=new-password for mail share password
  - Fix upload button visible on read-only folders (server#8595)
  - Fixed app navigation for IE11 (server#8609)
  - Fix breadcrumbs width calculation (server#8610)
  - Fix comments (and systemtags) when involving users with
    numerical ids (server#8615)
  - Update commentstabview.js (server#8621)
  - Properly encapsulate require_once for app.php (server#8631)
  - AppData hardening (server#8636)
  - Use hash algo that's robust against collisions (server#8654)
  - Fixed date/time picker on IE11 (server#8663)
  - Use a more widely available method to test s3 settings
  - Use proper lanugage in langauge code (server#8668)
  - Display the proper language strings in setttings (server#8669)
  - Do not create empty userid when attribute does not have allowed
    chars (server#8673)
  - Remove too restrict check for background image/color
  - Fix example regex for user agent matching (server#8676)
  - Generate different UIDs for Birthday, Anniversary and Death
    event (server#8678)
  - Don't use double quotes in MySQL queries (server#8680)
  - Log exceptions that happen when writing the app store reply
    to storage (server#8683)
  - Set the correct active navigation entry (server#8685)
  - Fix activities for end2end encryption (server#8686)
  - Filter out the current user when searching for emails too
  - Fix check if theming defaults instance is available
  - Fix undefined index problem (server#8693)
  - Disable part files for object stores (server#8725)
  - Better handling of invisible elements in acceptance tests
  - Remove base url from global cache prefix (server#8745)
  - Check if the cached js file exists (server#8746)
  - Sharee email matches not limited (server#8749)
  - Fix integer overflow in ChunkingPlugin (server#8752)
  - Revert wording back to updates (server#8755)
  - Add acceptance tests for permissions on public shared folders
  - Also send file emails in ASAP mode (activity#249)
  - Ensure userids are strings (activity#252)
  - Null coalescing operator is PHP7+ (activity#254)
  - Update PDF.js to 1.9.426 (files_pdfviewer#55)
  - Enable full screen mode for PDF files (files_pdfviewer#59)
  - Fix ACE module files failing to load (files_texteditor#83)
  - Do not keep FileInfoModels returned by "getModelForFile"
  - Fix share drop down in gallery not properly shown (gallery#394)
  - Fix gallery button hidden in folders without create permission
  - Fix controls position in gallery layout (gallery#405)
  - Removed old code already present thanks to the files app
  - Create "file app" public share links if the slideshow is
    opened from ... (gallery#407)
  - Allow to check against password list
* Tue Feb 06 2018
- update to 13.0.0
  Over 1100 changes were merged in the server, with many hundreds
  more in existing or new apps. The main improvements include:
  * Collaboration features
  - Nextcloud Talk, a private videoconference software integrated
    with Nextcloud
  - real-time and asynchronous communication with push
    notifications, calls and chat web and mobile devices
  - Integration in business workflow with calendar invitations
    and calls directly from Nextcloud Files
  - Screen and note sharing with participant moderation
  - 100% secure peer-to-peer, end-to-end encrypted calls,
    mediated by self-hosted server
  - auto-completion of user names in comments and notification
    to the mentioned user
  - support free/busy scheduling in native calendar applications
    like Thunderbird Lightning
  - show meeting invites in the calendar
  * End-to-End Encryption
  - can encrypt data on a per-folder level rather than
    all-or-nothing approach
  - does not require users to remember or exchange passwords
  - does not require re-uploading data upon sharing
  - features an optional off-line administrator recovery key
  - allows full audit logging
  - can be combined with our File Access Control feature so
    administrator can enforce aspects of End-to-end Encryption
  - protects from identity theft with our Cryptographic Identity
    Protection feature
    This feature is in Tech Preview for Nextcloud 13 and does not
    yet implement sharing.
  * User Interface
  - new way of selecting files
  - easy way to quickly copy or move to a location
  - High DPI support
  - admin menu integrated in one list
  - no limitation to file uploads via the web interface
  - user quota in the side bar
  - social sharing (Twitter, G+, Facebook, Diaspora) now features
    a preview
  - improved theming
  * Performance
  - decreased page load times with up to 50% and faster search
  - 80% faster LDAP and up to 10x faster external storage
  - Server-side Encryption performance largely improved
* Wed Jan 24 2018
- update to 12.0.5
  Many fixes were merged, the most important ones include:
  - #7144 Unlock files even if an exception occurs
  - #7322 Set primary action button color to same as theming color
  - #7323 Use the correct root for shared jail when the source
    storage is also a jail
  - #7353 Fix translation of federation scope menu
  - #7362 Allow to skip data dir permission checks
  - #7407 Check if owner of share exists
  - #7409 Add retry wrapper when reading files from swift
  - #7451 Fix constructor spy in unit test with Sinon 4.1.3
  - #7455 Remove wrong entry in admin_settings that causes 500
  - #7456 CardDAV convertor check should not be to wide
  - #7457 Fix loading icon position in the app menu
  - #7464 Allow getting the filepath when getting cached mounts
  - #7468 Allow 'Nextcloud' in the user agent string of Android
  - #7558 Fix email buttons for white theme
  - #7567 Respect sharing options when searching for Sharees
  - #7568 Fix duplicate session token after remembered login
  - #7577 Check userExists later,
    saves lookups for appData_INSTANCEID userids
  - #7672 Added additional methods for removal of sensitive info
  - #7688 Fix scss webroot and url rewrite
  - #7717 Throw ServerNotAvailableException when LDAP is caught
    shutting down
  - #7666 Fix drag shadow not visible when dragging a file on
    a narrow screen
  - #7674 Do no run SyncJob in cron
  - #7684 Fix inverted app icons on IE11
  - #7694 Don't attempt to translate login names to uids when uids
    are provided
  - #7708 Don't show recurring msg when pages result was turned off
  - #7742 Hide favourite icon in details view if favourite action
    is not available
  - #7745 Don't lie about preview types
  - #7747 Update of composer
  - #7758 add option to use legacy v2 auth with s3
  - #7759 Use correct L10N files for jsconfig
  - #7757 Wait for the shared link to be set in the acceptance
  - gallery/#349 Fix date picker not visible in slideshow sharing
  - activity/#229 Properly construct path of root on file rename
  - #7770 Fix SCSS processing when undoing theming values
  - #7774 Update icewind/smb to 2.0.3
  - #7777 Set height for sidebar icons
  - #7779 Improve zip support
  - #7786 Return correct mount type for federated shares
  - #7792 Fix empty details view after renaming a file
  - #7817 Fix preview when theming changes invertion of icons
  - #7821 Log full exception in cron instead of only the message
  - #7888 Keep all shipped apps enabled because they should be okay
  - #7962 update icewind/smb to 2.0.4
* Tue Dec 19 2017
- Nextcloud 12 is not compatible with php ? 7.2,
  so php < 7.2 is needed.
* Mon Dec 04 2017
- upstream update to version 12.0.4
  * Server
    Over 50 fixes were merged in the server.
  - Improve text: 'you have now' -> 'you now have (server#6464)
  - Fix initializing paged search under some circumstances
  - LDAP: simplify returning the homePath (server#6509)
  - Fix sharer name overlap with filename (server#6524)
  - Allow to close sidebar for text files (server#6525)
  - Fix quota new endpoint 12 (server#6527)
  - Pass new value to triggerChange (server#6528)
  - Throw 101 when an empty group string is provided
  - Contacts menu privacy (server#6554)
  - Add color-border variable (server#6649)
  - Do not stop on scss compilation failure (server#6661)
  - Don't pass User object when uid string is expected
  - Navigate to the root directory when showing the main filelist
  - Fix LDAP User deletion (cleanup) (server#6699)
  - Update aws sdk + s3 improvements (server#6737)
  - Dont run invalid path repair step when upgrading
    from and later (server#6743)
  - Fix language when trying to change password (server#6751)
  - Fix postgresql tests (server#6792)
  - Also use configured 'cache_path' for new chunking
  - Set s3 part size to 500mb (server#6815)
  - Fix contacts menu for IE11 (server#6823)
  - Still trigger conflict resolution for existing entries when
    the curre (server#6847)
  - Propagate multipart upload exception when aborting upload
  - Allow to migrate from (server#6878)
  - Timespan check (server#6896)
  - Do not log WebDAV maintenance mode exception (server#6908)
  - Don't reset quota (server#6910)
  - Backport of translation string fixes (server#6935)
  - Fix class name in exception logger plugin (server#6942)
  - Allow quota of 0 again (server#6943)
  - Fix uninitialized variable $this->params (server#6944)
  - Don't add a LIKE condition when it's not needed (server#6945)
  - Fix undefined offset warning when using '/' as external
    storage root (server#6946)
  - Fix page title not changed (server#6987)
  - Better readability for text on log in page which is directly
    on backgrounds (server#7028)
  - Translate Grant Access (server#7040)
  - Use fopen directly when reading objects from s3 (server#7079)
  - Improve mimetype detection for object storages (server#7081)
  - Fix seeking on object storage (server#7082)
  - Hide spinner for initial install (server#7095)
  - Ensure uid for calendar objects is unique (server#7096)
  - Revert "Only allow colons in db host for IPv6 addresses
  - Theme flow redirection page (server#7114)
  - Fix icon for security settings (server#7116)
  - If for some reason the json can't be decoded it is not cached
  - Improve performance of UserMountCache with external storage
    folders (server#7120)
  - {J,CS}SResourceLocator: account for symlinks in app path
  - Fix s3 download and touch (server#7186)
  - Touch opertation on object storage, don't create
    the file cache entry to early (server#7207)
  - Allow migration from upcoming 10.0.4 ownCloud release
  - CSSResourceLocator: handle SCSS in apps outside root
  - only replace permission popupmenu (server#7259)
  - Fix accesslist when a user has an ID only containting 0-9
  - Update CRL due to files_frommail (server#7277)
  - Only in case of $currentAccess the array uses the id as index
  * Other
  - Add aws sdk (3rdparty#69)
  - Don't send emails to disabled users (activity#202)
  - Add an option to disable emails completly (activity#206)
  - Make sure the mountPoint property is public before using it
  - Allow to playback m4v files (files_videoplayer#43)
  - Fix notifications order (notifications#93)
* Tue Sep 19 2017
- upstream update to version 12.0.3
  Nextcloud 12.0.3 delivers a lot of enhancements in various areas
  - A number of improvements to email notification templates
  - 2FA enhancements
  - Smarter LDAP password handling
  - File Drop and upload-in-general updates
  - A performance improvement handling large files
* Tue Aug 15 2017
- upstream update to version 12.0.2
  * Server
  - Minor bugfix release
* Thu Aug 10 2017
- upstream update to version 12.0.1
  So many changes. See
* Mon Jul 17 2017
- unneeded git-files should not be remove,
  otherwise it throw integrity check failure in some situations.
* Mon May 22 2017
- upstream update to version 12.0.0
  no changelog from upstream at this time
* Fri Apr 28 2017
- fix boo#1036756: package security issue
* Mon Apr 24 2017
- upstream update to version 11.0.3
  * Server
  - Use the correct principal for shared addressbooks
  - Fix saving backup codes by using a correct data uri
  - Update icewind/streams to 0.5.2 (server/32931)
  - Fix string comparison and return docs (server/3665)
  - Typecast shared mount's storage_id to int as documented
    + some refactor to avoid similar bugs (server/3658)
  - Use a proper date format for transfer ownership
  - DAV sharing permissions should not depend on the order
  - Add new user agent of windows 10 dav backend
  - Add back appstoreenabled config switch (server/37671)
  - Call right function after sudo mode (server/3820)
  - Dont allow empty wildcard search (server/3842)
  - Remove single quotes around search query like in
  user search (server/3849)
  - Fix mimetype detection on public uploads for the
  workflow engine (server/3765)
  - Fix branding and show Nextcloud (server/39691)
  - Fix reshare with user activity message (server/39812)
  - Create correct VCard and return correct error codes
  - Prevent migration from ownCloud 10 to Nextcloud 11
  - Make sure transparency is an integer when saving a
  calendar (server/4167)
  - Make public links work with master key (server/42071)
  - Don't try to render the avatars if avatars are
  disabled (server/4214)
  - Reduce error message text (server/42281)
  - Don't list on public calendar endpoints (server/4229)
  - Fix upload of folders in Chrome (server/4154)
  - Make sure blob columns are correctly converted as
  parameters (server/4233)
  - Save the scope of an auth token in the session
  - Take share by mail into consideration if we calculate
  the access list (server/4242)
  - Also add the root of external storages to the file id
  list (server/4237)
  - Fix LDAP description (server/42382)
  - Remove the double password confirmation on changing
  cron (server/4236)
  - Fix scheduling plugin on legacy caldav endpoint
  - Directly fix invalid values of DTEND and DTSTART
  - Make JobList::next() lock free (server/4254)
  - Don't remove owner property for public calendars
  - Add capabilities for share by mail (server/42511)
  - Dont use the permissions mask while scanning
  - Add missing maintenance plugin to new DAV endpoint
  - Fix bug with shared_by for own calendars if shared
  - Translation string corrected > 1 user (server/4377)
  * Activity
  - Fix activities for "Files drop" on external storages
  * User_SAML
  - Bump to php-saml 2.10.5 (user_saml/1001)
  * Logreader
  - Small screen layout improvements
  - Fix log filtering
  - Greatly speedup log iteration
  - Search more rows
  - Stop iterating if we dont have a valid file handle
  - Don't return a LogIterator on a broken handle
  - More robust log iteration
  - Use proper iso date format
  - Automatically try to fix some common escape errors from
  copy-pasted log entries
  - Fix stack trace parsing of incorrectly escaped logentries
  - Highlight entries from the same request when clicking
  on an entry
  - Fix copy paste info searchfield
  - Fix reset search after 0 results
  - Allow searching for requestId and user
  - Allow searching in url
  - Fix infinite scroll
  - Dont show loading indicator if we already have entries
  * Gallery
  - Fix upload after core changes
  - Update JavaScript libraries (gallery/247)
* Thu Mar 02 2017
- Remove empty %postun and redundant %clean.
- Ensure summary/description is neutral.
* Tue Feb 28 2017
- upstream update to version 11.0.2
  * Server
  - Use login name to fix password confirm with ldap users
  - Change the row-format before changing the collation
  - Generate correct path for owner and use the display name
  - Markdown support for app descriptions (server/3117)
  - Fix style in comment (server/3143)
  - Escape the name for the jquery selector (server/3138)
  - Define spreed calls (server/3115)
  - LDAP Backend OCS Api (server/3213)
  - Fix Sharing app description (server/3397)
  - Fix shared-as-busy events for owner (server/3363)
  - Use correct theming when returning the defaults (server/3399)
  - Filter out sensitive appconfig values (server/3400)
  - Add transifex config for sharebymail (server/3423)
  - Update the email in the accounts table as well (server/3411)
  - Don't log the password on confirmPassword when LDAP throws an
    exception (server/3414)
  - Make sure ownCloud 8.2 activities also can get displayed
  - Popovermenu backport (server/3286)
  - Set vendor during install (server/3426)
  - Make sure the file information is available when sending the
    email (server/3433)
  - Add profile data to provisioning api (server/3259)
  - Fix detection of the new iOS app (server/3431)
  - Add integration tests for legacy DAV endpoints (server/3445)
  - Make sure invalid images don't flood the log file
  - Fix printing backup code (server/3510)
  - Fix cookie name (nctoken instead of octoken) (server/3511)
  - LDAP's checkPassword should only catch when a user was not
    found (server/3493)
  - Return unknown free space from nullstorage (server/3508)
  - Fix for address book data lost when any user receiving a
    share is deleted (server/3499)
  - Rename database password toggle (server/3500)
  - Popovermenu files css fix (server/3494)
  - Add screensharing icon (server/3481)
  - Fix misleading wording: searching is affected, not user
    access (server/3560)
  - Backport of Fix Broken UUID Attribute Detection (server/3528)
  * Activity
  - Make sure integer like names are still strings (activity/103)
  - Fix activities for public uploads (activity/113)
  - Show the parent as target when the file was not renamed
  - Fix activities for "Files drop" on external storages
  * SAML & SSO
  - Setup account later (user_saml/79)
  * Serverinfo
  - Fix SQL syntax error on MariaDB 10.0.27 and 10.1.19
  - Don't throw an error when /proc/meminfo is not readable
  * Survey_Client
  - Fix problem when checking size with dash in DB name
* Fri Jan 27 2017
- Add php-openssl dependency
* Mon Jan 23 2017
- upstream update to version 11.0.1
* Wed Dec 14 2016
- upstream update to version 11.0.0
Version: 13.0.12-19.1
* Thu Feb 06 2020
- Update to 15.0.14
  - Fix boo#1162766 (NC-SA-2020-002, CVE-2019-15613)
  - Fix boo#1162775 (NC-SA-2019-016, CVE-2019-15623)
  - Fix boo#1162776 (NC-SA-2019-015, CVE-2019-15624)
  - Fix boo#1162781 (NC-SA-2019-012, CVE-2020-8119)
  - Fix boo#1162782 (NC-SA-2019-014, CVE-2020-8118)
  - Fix boo#1162784 (NC-SA-2020-012, CVE-2019-15621)
  - To many changes.
    For detail see: